Friday, 15 July 2016


Click on "Sign up free" and fill in the form
Now verify your email
Click on the black graphic that represents a human (top right of the screen)
Then "Edit profile'
You must have "E-mail verified: yes"
Now click on "Verify phone number." This must be your mobile number.

Go to the "Buy bitcoins” tab (top left)
You don’t have to set a real name.
Green means a seller is online (available now).
Choose a seller who USES THE SAME BANK AS YOU.
Make sure that they have made 3000+ or 1000+ in trades and their feedback score is 100% positive.
it must be such that the money reflects immediately in their bank account, so they can release bitcoins immediately.
You pay them through EFT (online banking), cellphone banking, telephone banking, ATM, or in the branch.
You can send them (the seller) a message if you want.
Please remember you password.
After making the payment, you can retrieve your contact with the seller.
This is how you do it: Click on the black image of a man (top right) and select Dashboard.
You will then see your order. Click on it to open it. You can now chat with the seller.
Please also MARK THE ORDER AS PAID. This is at the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
When the seller has received the money, they will release 0.05030000 BTC to your account.
Checking Balance: Click on the black image of a man (top right) and check Wallet. The right amount must reflect there.
It's important to mark an order as paid. The system will cancel the transaction when the time lapses. It won't know whether you have paid or not, if the seller does nothing.
If the buyer does not release the bitcoins within 3 minutes after you marked the order as paid, ask them to release (type a message). When the bitcoins are released, the transaction is concluded.
You do the same for your other transactions

Always use the correct reference name/number, which is shown under your order (where you chat with a seller). Some sellers don't release bitcoins if you didn't use the correct reference.
This is how you send me bitcoins to me; Click on your Wallet (where you bitcoin balance appears). Under Send bitcoins:
1. Enter Receiving bitcoin address. The receiving bitcoin address (my bitcoin address) is
Copy and paste this into the space provided.
2. Enter Amount in bitcoins:
If you want to send all your BTC balance, copy and paste the amount shown under "Your LocalBitcoins wallet balance: xxxxxxx BTC"; only the number xxxxxxx (without BTC).

If you don't have to send the whole balance, type the correct amount (in the space provided).

3. Click on "Send from wallet"

You are now through

This is how you pay any other person using bitcoins. All you need is their bitcoin address

To thank us, you may donate a small amount of bitcoins to our foundation (LINK) using the following bitcoin address: 1A8Hxj34MbLPheAC6XLRE2nPjnKDdYvHJR.

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